George Gaylord Simpson fue paleontólogo norteamericano que
durante la década del 30 realizo campañas a la Patagonia.
En estos paisajes remotos se descubrió al él mismo, un
recolector de huesos incansable y un científico apasionado, fiel a sus ideales,
supo vencer las adversidades desde temprana edad y llego a ser uno de los
científicos más destacados del siglo XX.
Planteo que la simple curiosidad es la verdadera razón del
trabajo científico, es por eso que es simplemente George.
George Gaylord Simpson was
American paleontologist during the 30s campaigned to
In these remote landscapes he was discovered, a tireless collector of bones and a passionate scientist, true to his ideals, overcoming adversity knew from an early age and became one of the leading scientists of the twentieth century.
He argue that the curiosity is the real reason for the scientific work, that's why it's Simply George.
In these remote landscapes he was discovered, a tireless collector of bones and a passionate scientist, true to his ideals, overcoming adversity knew from an early age and became one of the leading scientists of the twentieth century.
He argue that the curiosity is the real reason for the scientific work, that's why it's Simply George.
Quiere agradecer a todas las personas que ha colaborado en el documental desde una simple pregunta, o unos pequeños minutos para hablar del tema hasta las entrevistas.
Por Paola Echecury